Now in its sixth edition, the URBAN 2015 International Street Photo Contest has as its main theme daily life in the city, which is seen through street photography: real, instant images, that capture moments, people, faces, streets, buildings and other elements capable of telling stories woven into the urban fabric.


Winner 2014 1st. – «Untitled», Pierre Truong (France)


There are three main themes:

• Street Photography
• Architecture
• Urban Animals

There is also a new section – Stories & Portfolios – in which you can propose a set of photos with a free subject.

Each participant may submit up to 9 works (3 for each theme), while for the new section there’s a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 12 photos. Participants can run in both sections.

You can enter photos in colour or in black and white; post production and software corrections are to be kept to a minimum.

Entry fees: 10 Euro for the first photo, then 5 Euro for any additional one. 30 Euro for Stories.


The competition is open to everyone worldwide.


Professional artists, photographers and communication experts will judge entries and choose the winners. After the closure of the competition, works selected by the jury will receive awards and will then appear in a collective exhibit before the end of 2015.

The total prize money is more than 3.000 Euro (approx. 3,200 USD)

For more information Contest’s Website Link here




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